toll fraud attack post image

With the ever growing risk of a toll fraud attack, most businesses don’t truly understand the threat or more importantly, how to defend themselves. Defense against these attacks, however, can be resolved with a simple, low cost embedded solution – NEC’s InGuard.

InGuard, for the UNIVERGE SV9100 and SL2100, provides a low maintenance, robust solution that is embedded directly into your system. No extra cost for a PC or server required – unlike other solutions.

So how does InGuard work? It is tailored to your business’s specific call patterns. From these parameters, a set of rules are created and when a rule is broken, an alert is sent. It not only detects a suspected toll fraud attack, but it can help prevent internal abuse of your phone system. Administration is easily done through a browser.

NEC’s InGuard provides:

  • Monitoring of all call activity 24/7 for instant detection of fraudulent activities
  • A defense against toll fraud attacks which can easily cost thousands of dollars
  • Two types of automatic alerts:
    • Designated recipients receive an ‘alert only’ email
    • In more severe fraudulent activity cases, an ‘alert and block’ sends an email, but also prevents any further call activity immediately
  • Complete call information in the alert email to explain why a call or calls were considered fraudulent

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