The nomadic work style is a growing trend with today’s workforce. IDC predicts that by 2015 the world’s mobile (BYOD Lifestyle) worker population will reach 1.3 billion people, representing 37.2% of the total workforce. Millennials or the Hyper Connected Generation in particular embrace mobility. Nearly a quarter owning a tablet, over half currently using a smart phone, and almost three quarters possessing a laptop. Life without a mobile device to provide anywhere, anytime connectivity is not imaginable. Some Millennials may even question why there is an office phone on their work desk. In fact, according to a recent federal study in the United States 44% of 18-30 year olds have only a wireless phone at home.
What is BYOD?
The industry has observed consumerization before, but with Millennials owning powerful smart phones, they prefer these devices for both business and personal use. Other devices such as tablets, a trend in communications known as BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, is growing. This trend is being pushed from the top down by executives as well as from the bottom up by Millennials. With the current BYOD lifestyle trend the lines between work and personal devices are becoming blurred in the enterprise.
Wi-Fi is a must
With the proliferation of Wi-Fi, working from anywhere is a prerequisite when trying to attract Gen Y talent. Millennials just expect to be able to work anywhere at any time and on any device. Millennials are the “always connected” generation, which sleeps with their mobile devices at their bedside and checks them even before eating breakfast. State-of-the-art UC&C technology such as NEC’s UNIVERGE 3C solution supports their anytime, anywhere work style by enabling users to control which device rings.
Implementing BYOD Policies
Many corporations are already implementing BYOD policies and taking advantage of leveraging the devices owned by their employees. There are several reasons for this. First, it appeals to and helps attract a Millennial workforce. This young generation is very familiar with technology, and they want to use leading edge technology not only in their personal lives, but at work as well. Second, BYOD can help to increase employee productivity because these individuals are most familiar and comfortable using devices of their choice. In fact, if BYOD is implemented properly it can result in a 10% – 15% increase in end user productivity. The soft benefit of employee morale is bolstered by BYOD too. Employees feel more empowered. In the United States 77% of employees feel that technology in general makes their working life better.
Unified Communications
Unified communications is a critical component when considering a BYOD policy. It actually can enhance a user’s device and thus their collaboration capabilities within the company while protecting a company’s confidential information. It is important that a unified communications and collaboration solution enhances these different devices by offering mobile clients that provide a user experience that is not only powerful and rich, but also functions consistently across different operating systems. UNIVERGE 3C is a UC&C solution that is architected for infrastructure supporting all types of different devices or equipment – mobile or stationary.
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